Common Emotional Effects of Rape and Sexual Abuse
These are some feelings you may experience. Shock:
Disbelief at what has happened
Numbness; the event may seem unreal, like a dream
Shaking, crying, laughing
Slow comprehension of what has happened
May occur immediately, or sometime later.
Of a recurrence of the event
Of damage to oneself, or of death
Awareness of personal vulnerability
Panicky, irrational feelings
Other, apparently-unrelated fears
That others will blame or reject you, or may not believe you.
At the rapist
Perhaps at yourself or others for “allowing it to happen”
At your feelings of powerlessness
At the unfairness and senselessness of it all; generalised anger and hostility may be directed towards the gender of the person who abused you.
Feeling that there is something basically wrong with you, that you somehow deserved what happened
For not having reacted as you would have wished.
Feelings of powerlessness and not having control of your life
Inability to make any decisions.
Feeling responsible, a long list of “if only.”
For the loss of the belief that the world is safe and predictable
About human destruction and loss of every kind
For loss of the life you had before the rape changed everything.
Staggering Impacts of Sexual Abuse
How Rape Impacts Your Career
Common Behavioural Effects of Rape and Sexual Abuse
These are some of the common effects on behaviour that can be expressed in many ways and in various combinations. Tension:
More easily startled, general agitation (physical and/or mental).
Sleep Disturbances:
Inability to sleep, thoughts that prevent sleep, replaying the event
Wanting to sleep all the time
Dreams/nightmares of the rape, or other vivid and frightening events.
Of the place, reminders of the incident
Of the gender of the person who abused you, or even people generally
Of going out of your own home
Of being alone.
Intrusive Memories and Feelings:
Flashbacks which interfere with concentration and daily life
Attempts to shut them out which leads to deadening of feelings and thoughts.
Frequent mood swings.
Loss of interest in life, a sense of meaninglessness
Social Withdrawal:
Wanting to be alone
A reluctance to talk or associate with anyone.
Physical Sensations:
Palpitations, tremors, headaches, tense muscles or aches and pains
Breathing difficulties
Loss of appetite or over-eating
Loss of sexual interest
Nausea, diarrhoea or constipation, and many other symptoms.
These reactions are common. Acknowledging and expressing them allows nature to begin the healing process.
If you allow this to happen they will usually last for only a short period of time, and gradually diminish in intensity and frequency.
If you have any similar situations in your past which were not resolved, the rape may trigger memories of these and the feelings may be compounded.
Delayed Effects:
Any of these effects may occur after months or even years of satisfactory emotional adjustment. These physical and emotional symptoms are normal.
They develop in people facing stress, threat or loss, and are responses which help the person adapt. They may be, however, unpleasant or distressing to those affected and to those close to them.
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Let feelings come, experience them fully, and then let them go as you no longer need them.
Instead of saying, "I'm damaged, I'm broken, I have trust issues" say "I'm healing, I'm rediscovering myself, I'm starting over."
Floor 3 Departmental Building, 35 Chapel Street Masterton 5810 PO Box 551 Masterton