All information provided to Wairarapa Rape & Sexual Abuse Collective Inc. is confidential, except in the following situations:
If there is clear danger or risk of danger to yourself
If there is clear danger or risk of danger to a child/children
If there is clear danger or risk of danger to another person
External and peer supervision purposes.
If we have concerns about your own or someone else's safety, we will consult with a clinical supervisor before deciding if we need to speak to another party.
Complaints Process
If you are not happy with the service you have received from Wairarapa Rape & Sexual Abuse Collective Inc. or with your treatment whilst using our service, you have the right to make a complaint. You can make a complaint either in person, via telephone or in writing. You can raise your complaint with either:
Your support worker, or if you are not comfortable raising the complaint with that person, you can:
Ask to speak to, or make your complaint in writing to another staff member or one of our Complaints Sub- Group
Make a complaint with the support of a Health and Disability Commission's Complaints Advocate.
In the event of a complaint being made, our specialist workers will inform you of the processes, contact details and time-frames to investigate any matters you have raised. Wairarapa Rape & Sexual Abuse Collective Inc.'s full complaints and full confidentiality policy documents are available upon request.
Your Rights
Under the Health and Disability Code of Rights (1996), you have the right:
To be treated with respect
To freedom from discrimination, coercion, harassment and exploitation
To dignity and independence
To services of an appropriate standard
To effective communication
To be fully informed
To make an informed choice and give informed consent
To support
To complain
To have an advocate.
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I am not a victim. No matter what I've been through, I'm still here. I have a history of victory.
What happened is never your fault or anything to do with who you are. It's an assault and it's never okay. You are not alone.
Floor 3 Departmental Building, 35 Chapel Street Masterton 5810 PO Box 551 Masterton