Sexual abuse is any inappropriate sexual behaviour towards a child. In New Zealand, these are the legal terms concerning children:
A child is anyone 0-13 years old
A young person is 14-17 years old.
Child Sexual Abuse occurs when a child under 16 years of age is used by an adult or older child in a sexual way.
The abuser is usually someone 3 or more years older or physically more developed than the survivor. It can be an older child.
Sexual Abuse can be non-contact abuse (e.g. exhibitionism, voyeurism) or contact abuse (e.g. genital/anal fondling, oral sex). This may include: touching genitals; penetration of the genitals with fingers, penis or objects; rape; tongue kissing; genital exposure; the viewing of pornographic videos; and/or coercion into nudity and masturbation for the adult’s gratification.
Sexual Play between children of the same age is not likely to be harmful because of the children’s equal power and development.
How Does the Child Feel About the Abuse?
A child may immediately have misgivings or a feeling of repulsion when the abuse begins. In other cases, initially the abuse may not be frightening at the time. It is often portrayed by the abuser as a “secret” or “game”
The child often does not realise the inappropriateness of the behaviour. The child may participate willingly because it fills their need for: attention (special), love, physical contact
Initially the offender seldom uses threats and physical forces, because:
physical harm leaves visible evidence that could lead to discovery
the offender is someone the child has been taught to trust
children are taught to be obedient and that adults know what is best for them.
When a child realises the inappropriateness of the abuse, the child may feel:
betrayed by the trusted offender
betrayed by the rest of the family who have failed to stop the abuse
guilt and responsibility for letting the abuse go on; they may blame themselves.
Why Doesn't the Child Tell Someone?
There are many reasons why a child may not tell. Some of these include:
Often when the child realises that the abuse is wrong, the child may start to resist the abuser. The abuser will then usually begin to use threats and physical force. The threats are usually guilt-laden, with consequences if the child tells
The child may not tell because of their own sense of guilt
The child may not tell because they feel they want to protect their family, especially younger siblings
The child may be embarrassed and not know where to turn.
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You are stronger than you feel, smarter than you know and more resilient than you realise.
Inhale the future. Exhale the past.
Indicators of Child Sexual Abuse
Statements by children concerning sexual acts committed upon them are the most reliable indicators of sexual abuse. Children do not usually make up stories about sexual abuse.
Physical signs (evident in only a small percentage of cases):
Presence in the mouth, vagina, or rectum of some type of sexually transmitted disease
Anal/oral/genital tissue damage
Presence of foreign objects in some orifice of the body
Bloodstains on underwear
Itching due to thrush
Bruising on genital areas
Pain experienced in urination or elimination.
Behavioural Indicators
Behaviours are not always indications of sexual abuse. However, they are signs of distress in a child and a professional evaluation may be helpful.
Eating, sleeping, and bowel/bladder disturbances
Regressive behaviour (acting like a much younger child e.g. bedwetting)
Excessive crying
Excessive masturbatory behaviour in small children
If signs go unheeded, the child can be left feeling betrayed, not only by the abuser but also by the adults who failed to recognise and stop the abuse.
Know the Signs: Child Sexual Exploitation. In NZ please dial 111
Child Sexual Abuse: Trauma & Recovery After Abuse. In NZ please dial 111
Childrens' Feelings
Incest causes the child to have conflicting feelings. These feelings can be:
Fear: The offender tries to pledge the child to secrecy. The child is told not to tell or something bad will happen. The child is afraid to tell because the consequences might be punishment, blame, abandonment, or not being believed
Power: Sometimes the child feels responsible for keeping the family together. The burden of this power interferes with experiences of a normal childhood
Guilt: The child knows something is wrong and blames themselves. The child sometimes feels like a “bad” person
Warmth: The child is often singled out for special attention or favours. Children often love their parents even if they are abusive. The offender can be a good parent in other ways
Isolation: Incest survivors feel different from other children. They usually must be secretive.
Adult Survivors' Feelings of Child Sexual Abuse
Betrayed: Lost a parent, lost the sense of being able to go to their parent
Disillusioned: Doesn’t trust sex of the person who abused them
Tricked: Feel their innocence was used. They were coerced into doing something they did not want to do. And the abuser called it love. The abuser may have said “You love me, don’t you?” but they had all the control while the victim/survivor had none, and they used force to take control
Old: Because of not being able to tell anyone as a child, survivors felt distanced from other children and distanced from other people. They felt a sense of responsibility older than their years. Had to guard their tongue
Different: Had to pretend everything was alright. Had to smile when they wanted to say they hated their abuser
Sick: Literally as well as emotionally (e.g. when he backed me up against the wall to fondle my breasts I wanted to vomit)
Bewildered: Adult survivors did not understand what was happening for a long time
Lost and alien
Guilty: Thought it was their own fault. Thought they had done something to make it happen, that everyone must know what had happened and must think they were dirty
Fear: Afraid of being in the room alone with their abuser. Afraid, knowing the person might visit. Afraid of games, that they would go on for longer than they should and become something else. Afraid of their mother leaving or dying. Afraid of the dark. Afraid of strangers. Afraid of open spaces with nowhere to hide. Afraid in bed.
Problems in Later Years Caused by Child Abuse
Development of a negative self-image
Difficulty in developing relationships which involve trust and caring
Difficulty in forming satisfying sexual relationships
Difficulty in expressing feelings openly
Development of behaviours such as truancy, prostitution, drug abuse.
Many Survivors Reported:
Feeling cut-off and detached from their sexuality
Not wanting to be touched
Not wanted to be sexually touched
Not wanting to be sexually touched unless it is absolutely under their control
Not knowing for a long time why they were feeling so detached
Knowing that sexuality is a part of loving but unable to accept that and not knowing why they were feeling that way.
How Sexual Abuse Affects Any Gender, Age and Race
Feeling dirty
Hostility towards the gender of the person that abused them.
Loss of:
Trust in gender of the person who abused them
Trust in people
Trust in family
Problems with physical contact
Sexual difficulties
Phobias (e.g. agoraphobia)
Suicidal thoughts/attempts
Excessive dependency on others
“Survivor” mentality
Emotionally “cut-off”
Lack of “get up and go”.
General deterioration
Medication needed
Gynaecological problems
Long-term disabilities
Drug dependency
Psychiatric admissions
Self-inflicted injuries
Weight gain
Weight loss
Eating disorders (e.g. anorexia, bulimia)
Sleeping disorders
Restrictions on activity
Financial losses
Schooling difficulties
Career affected
Job loss
Relationship difficulties
Broken marriage
Affects all/some relationships with gender of the person who abused them
Have to shift house
Loss of virginity
Unable to have children
"Survivorised" by community
Blame from others
No income from father/abuser (jailed/left home)
Family member's illness/suicide
Further abusive relationships
Goes in for counselling
Trains in self-defence, martial arts and assertiveness
Uses experience to support others to heal.
Many of these affect all aspects of life e.g. pregnancy, alcohol dependency, sexual difficulties etc. There are stages in the healing process; no reaction is “abnormal” to being refused control over one’s body and the right to decide.
Many of the most serious effects are the result of being unable to start the healing process quickly.
Floor 3 Departmental Building, 35-37 Chapel Street Masterton 5810 PO Box 551 Masterton